Owen spends a lot of time changing his clothes. Well, to be more accurate, he spends a lot of time taking off his clothes and then crying to me about the fact he isn't big enough to put new clothes by himself. I try to let him try it himself, mostly because I'm lazy, but also because I believe in that sort of thing. The only problem is its still a little too cold to walk around in your underwear around here (a favorite past-time for both of us) even though Owen in his underwear is especially adorable.

See what I mean? So I spend a lot of time saying things like, "No more taking off your pants! We have changed our clothes enough for today." and "The Spiderman pants are jammies, Owen." (yes, he'll wear Spiderman clothes all the time if I don't hide them) and "Those are pants not a shirt, thats why you can't get your head through."
It all gets very tiring, if it was summer, I would probably be one of those moms who lets thier kids run around naked all the time, rather than dress them five or six times a day. As it is, I do tend to cut corners, and he usually walks around in underwear, socks and jackets all day. Don't tell my in-laws.
Ha. Just as I said that, Charlie's mom Maria rang on the bell. I better go find some clothes to put on Owen pretty fast, or the next time Owen gets sick, I'm gonna hear a lot of "Well, Owen wouldn't get sick so often if you just put some pants on him." How can I stop him from taking them off, that's my question.
Duct Tape
And I can't even hide the Superman jammies from Harrison. Because he'll take it into his head that he wants them and insist that I help him find them. INSIST. The only thing that usually works is to tell them they are dirty, though sometimes he will go find them and put them in the wash and insist that I wash them. Though we are mostly past that stage. Still, they are his very very favorites. Even more than the star wars ones and I'm sure that it is because the superman jams are really more of a costume. They turn him into superman, with a cape and everything. You just can't beat that.
Maybe super-glue them to his body?
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