We went to a stake activity which was a presentation by the young women and women of all the Bolivian folk dances. Each ward did a dance from different parts of the country. It was really fun to see all the incredibly elaborate costumes, and to watch my sister and brother in law dancing. Very cool. In Utah, rarely if ever would you see 12 to 18 year old boys dance in front of anyone, let alone a whole stake. Especially in some of those costumes they were wearing. For some reason, the men's costumes are usually more elaborate than the women's. Huge head dresses, and barrel-like skirts over their pants.

This dance is the one that Michelle and Jason did. Cute, and very islandy. I know, not a word.

Fun experience. They do a lot of these dances actually, so I'll probably get another chance to take some real pictures.
I WISH I COULD HAVE BEEN THERE TOO! It sounds so fun! Just keep soaking it up. It will be over before you know it!
oh, yeah, hunching and shuffling around is always great for dancing. Which is why old geezers are always so popular at the night clubs. And yes, post video.
oh, here is a link to my family blog:
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