Monday, January 10, 2011


Well, I'm back in the states. We're in Orlando for a week before we head back to Utah. We're spending some time in Disney world and Universal, just enjoying a vacation before we get back to real life. Its been a blast so far. Charlie's family is here with us too, and its been really fun so far.

As I reflect on our experience in Bolivia, I've come up with some lists. What an exciting way to sum up my trip, huh?

Things I'm kinda looking forward to getting back to:

garbage disposal
clean water from the tap that doesn't have to be boiled and filtered
flushing the toilet paper
dollar hamburgers
being able to drive

Things I'm REALLY looking forward to:

My family

Things I'm sad about leaving behind

My other family
My primary kids
Greeting with a kiss
My cute apartment and the view out the window
The constant language immersion

Things I gained that I'll have forever...I hope

A better understanding of my husband through his culture
Better Spanish
My kids becoming Bolivian
A close relationship with and love for my in-laws
A love for the culture

We have really really enjoyed our time in Bolivia, and its hard to get back, even though we are excited to see my family and friends. We know it was the right place to be because we were so so blessed for it. See you all soon! After a quick trip to Walmart of course.


Jamie said...

Welcome home!

Mahubble said...

There's so much joy and sadness mixed together in this life, I really know what you're saying! What a great experience you've had. It will be something to cherish!

About that disposal, um, not sure you have that to look forward to.

Meli said...

greeting with a kiss!!pahaha love that one:D