Monday, August 9, 2010

6 de Agosto

The sixth of August was the Bolivian independence day. We did lots of activities all weekend, including a military presentation that my brother in law Jason was in. He isn't really military yet, but all boys from age 17 are required to go to military school. They call it pre-military. But the presentation was for all branches, including peace corps, air force, etc. Anyway, we brought the kids, which was a mistake since it was mostly a lot of speeches and standing at attention, so by the time we got to the marching part at the end they didn't care anymore. Even Jason said it was boring. I think I would have really enjoyed it though, had it not been for the trying to keep my kids from screaming. It was cool to see all the different kinds of uniforms, and to yell and scream for Jason, even though we couldn't tell which one he was.

The other really fun thing we did was make kites. Mine was pretty cute, if I do say so myself, but it broke in half after only flying for 2 milliseconds. Charlie's was not cute, but flew really good for a long time. Making them with the whole family was the best part anyway. I'll post pictures as soon as I get some.

We sang the national anthem a lot, I think I've sung it at least 8 times over the past 3 days. well, I should say they have sung at least that many times, I didn't really sing since I don't know the words. I know the tune, so I did lots of la la la-ing. I'm glad I was here for all that. It was fun, and made me feel a part of things.


elesa said...

Fun. la laing along with national anthems is what makes any country great. and I'm sorry we never really talk to you when you skype mom. video phones are scary. but don't worry! I kept my promise! We aren't having any fun and are counting down the days until you come home!

Faralee said...

Hey, no problem, Ele. Yah, video conferencing is embarrassing. Thanks for trying to keep your promise, but I happen to know you guys are fun all the time, you just can't help it. Just do me a favor and tell that baby he is not allowed to get any bigger till we get back.

Demi said...

Too late, I saw him on Sunday and he is already huge