Saturday, June 19, 2010

We are far far away

Yesterday I showed Lydia a picture of her new little Cousin, Colin. He's adorable, by the way. When Lydia saw Elesa and Haggy and the new baby, she was like, "Hes cute but we can't go see him because they speak English and we only speak just Spanish here." I love the three year old interpretation of our separation. Of course she knows we are in Bolivia and they are in Utah, but I don't think she really gets it, deep down. The different language thing, on the other hand, is something that she understands very well and has to deal with daily. So she has decided that the language is the difference between here and there. And the language is then perhaps the only thing keeping us apart. Maybe she is right. So will all y'all just learn Spanish already so I won't have to miss you anymore?


elesa said...

Si Senore! como estah? bien, e tu? gracias! de nada! Donde esta la bibliotecha? Uno dos tres! quatro! Te amo! Mucho Gusto!!

Scorchi said...

Nosotros estamos listos! Ya no tienen que estranarnes a nosotros!

Brandon said...

That is so cute! We miss you guys! If you want to follow our blog too, it's

We move on Friday for Penn!! Crazy!