Sometimes I think being pregnant is a little like shaving your head. If I decided to pull a Natalie Portman and go bald, I think I would be revealing a very lopsided, bumpy head. But I've heard that you never know until you try it. Some people thought theirs would be bumpy and it turned out not too bad, and others thought it would be smooth and it ended up really bumpy, apparently. I would never shave mine anyway, I just don't have the face for it, let alone the head for it.
Well for some reason, when I'm pregnant, my stomach looks like I have a very lopsided, bumpy volleyball under my shirt. Some people wear their baby bump kind of hidden, which must have its own set of problems. Then there are those of us that keep it way out front and I can tell you it gets incredibly awkward and uncomfortable. And of course there are lots of in-betweens.
Before I got pregnant, I guess I thought I would look something like this,
Instead, I always look more like this.
Anyway you just never know. It doesn't seem to have very much to do with body type, as far as I can tell. People stop me on the street to ask me if I'm having a boy or girl because apparently carrying way out front is indicative of having a boy. (Course, I was carrying way out front with Lydia too, but why spoil their delusions?) But I've never met anyone else who carried a baby out as far as I do. It often makes me the target of some speculation in public, especially toward the end of my pregnancy. I'm not really a fan of cavorting with strangers, cuz I'm awkward and somewhat antisocial. And its still my stomach, you know? Every little bump is still me, and its not like I poke it out for display on purpose.
What does that really have to do with shaving my head? Well....not much, I guess. I only said it was a little like it, ok? So um, there ya go. Here is a picture of the actual baby bump, just to make up for this lame post. 23 weeks and counting! Can't wait to meet you baby boy!